2018 was intense, and beautiful, and difficult, and so different from anything I could have ever planned or even imagined.
So in honor of the absolute incredibleness (apparently thats a word?? never knew haha but its very fitting) that this year has been, I’ve decided to dedicate a post to a few of my favorite memories and lessons that 2018 has blessed me with.
- My month in Lombok.
It still feels a bit unreal, thinking back at it, how beautiful Lombok was. It was like a parallel universe. I was so completely immersed in this little world of boats trips and surfing all day, of drinking questionable palm wine and 3 am trips to alfamart, of feeling almost guilty because i was so happy.
- The milky way in Sri Lanka.
Sri Lanka was the first stop of my travels, and there was this feeling of absolute freedom, of child like excitement, of complete awe, when I looked up at the stars one night, it was just one of those moments of complete magic.
- Practicing what I preach.
Keeping the promises I make to myself and others, is one of the most empowering things I’ve ever done. I feel like I can trust myself, as if I’m not in my own way quite as much anymore.
- When Bali started to feel like home.
In total, I didn’t even spend that much time in Bali. After three months I can’t really say that I ‚lived‘ there. But Bali was so special, and it felt so familiar after only a few days. It felt so safe, and idk man.. it just made me so so happy.
- Working out in the morning actually makes.. so much sense.
I have never, ever, ever considered myself a morning person. Working out in the morning sounded like the most dreadful thing imaginable, until I actually gave it a try. As soon as you push through the first couple days and get used to moving your body first thing in the morning,, woooow. It gives you so much more energy and motivation for the day, and tbh i just live for the illusion of productivity haha.
- My Yoga Teacher Training.
I will write a few posts dedicated solely to my YTT, since it was easily one of the most intense and transformational experiences of my life. It brought out the worst in me, sides of myself I didn’t even know existed, and the best in me too I think. But most of all it showed me that I really am so much stronger than I thought.
- Be your own ride or die.
Cliche, but the end of the day, you gotta stick with yourself through thick and thin. And you deserve to be loved no matter what you look like. You deserve to dance around your room in nothing but your undies no matter what you look like, you deserve food no matter what you look like, and you really have to be your own ride or die or life’s gonna be a lot less fun.
- Everyone you meet in your life is a teacher.
I always knew this, kind of. But last year I started really seeing it, and trying to accept it. (trying is the key word here haha) Seriously tho, you just end up being grateful for everyone if you look at it that way. I met some amazing people last year, some of whom I really hope to stay friends with forever, others are more of a thank you, next type of situation. But at the end of the day, everyone brought me closer to myself in a way, I just have to be grateful for that.
And I really am endlessly grateful. Nothing turned out the way I hoped or thought or planned, but somehow it was still the most beautiful year of my life.
2018, thank you.